ADOBE Creative Cloud for individuals - Abonnemangslicens (1 år) - 1 användare - academic, Leverans - aktiveringsnyckel - Win, Mac - Multi European Languages
ADOBE Creative Cloud for individuals - Abonnemangslicens (1 år) - 1 användare - academic, Leverans - aktiveringsnyckel - Win, Mac - Multi European Languages
ADOBE Creative Cloud for individuals - Abonnemangslicens (1 år) - 1 användare - academic, Leverans - aktiveringsnyckel - Win, Mac - Multi European Languages
Now, nothing stands in the way of your ideas
With Creative Cloud, you download and install apps the way you always have. But now, every update is just a click away. In fact, members have gotten hundreds of new features in the past few months alone. Creative Cloud also gives you seamless ways to share files, give feedback, and save settings across devices. So you can create anything, from anywhere, with anyone.
Get the download on your creative world
Now there’s a simple way to keep your creative world organized: the Creative Cloud desktop app. When a new product update is available, you’ll get a notification — just click to download it. We’ll also help you keep track of your Behance activity. And you can even manage your Adobe Typekit fonts. All from one place.
Your one-stop publishing shop
Build and publish websites, mobile sites, iPad apps, and other content for any medium or device. You can even create a customized portfolio with ProSite, included free with your paid membership. With Creative Cloud, you have all the tools and services you need to share whatever you create with an audience of hundreds, thousands, or even millions.
Master a new medium
Creative Cloud includes everything you need to experiment like never before. You’ll have access to every Adobe creative tool and service, along with a growing library of video tutorials to help you explore new tools and ramp up fast. If you’ve ever wanted to branch out and create websites, apps, video, and more, now you can.
Built to scale
Collaborate. Grow. Change. Whether you manage a dozen, hundreds, or thousands of users, Creative Cloud makes it easy. Add or reassign seats in minutes. Give everyone the latest versions of the same tools. And share files seamlessly so work flows more efficiently with cloud storage.
Licenstyp | Utbildning (EDU) |
Antal år | 1 År |
Windows-operativsystem som stöds | Ja |
Mac-operativsystem som stöds | Ja |
Även om vi gör vårt bästa för att ge relevant information, så är bilderna bara till för att ge ett generellt intryck, och själva varan behöver nödvändigtvis inte se ut precis som på bilden. Om det är skillnader mellan produktöverskrift, beskrivning och bild, så är det produktöverskriften som gäller. (tex. Pc:n kommer inte nödvändigtvis med monitor även om bilden visar det) Om något är oklart skicka en e-post till oss före du beställer! Vi förbehåller oss för tryckfel, ändringar av priser och specifikationer utan varsel.